CDW (Collison damage waiver) and Security deposit

CDW (Collison damage waiver) and Security deposit


Coverage for the purchase of responsibility for participation in damage caused to the body of the vehicle at a reduced amount.


 The user is responsible for the following amounts:


 EUR 2,500.00 (A-Segement / per harmful event


 EUR 3,000.00 ( B-Segement) / per harmful event


EUR 3,000.00 (Suv B-Segment) per harmful event


 EUR 4,000.00 (C-Segement) / per harmful event


 Damage to the vehicle will be charged according to the damage repair catalog available in the branch.


"Basic Insurance " 1,500.00EUR

"Medium Insurance " 1,000.00 EUR

"Strong Insurance" 500,00 EUR

"Premium Insurance" 300.00EUR

A deposit with Premium insurance is taken for reasons such as lack of fuel in the vehicle, smoking in the vehicle, exceeding the permitted mileage, parking fines, violation of house rules, etc.